Sunday, June 9, 2024

Download Revide Postal Manual Volume VI part III ( Provisional) issued by Department of Post

 No. 30-13/2019-WS ( Pt.)

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(PO Division)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001.
Dated: 18th May,2021


All CPMsG/All PMsG
CGM, BD Dte/ Parcel Dte./PLI Dte/ CEPT
Director RAKNPA/ All PTCs
Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi
All GMs (Finance)/ DAPs

Subject: Issuance of revised Postal Manual Volume VI part III ( Provisional) .

The competent authority is pleased to issue the revised Postal Manual Volume VI part III (provisional) till the final implementation of IT Modernization project. ( copy enclosed).

2. Consequent upon implementation of IT Mordernization project, which has brought technological advancement in the working of the post offices, , the need for bringing out a comprehensive revised Postal Manual Volume VI part Ill ( provisional) to serve as a guide for Postal Sub accounts work has been keenly felt.


3. The revised Postal Manual Volume VI Part III ( provisional)) contains the detailed principles and instructions, mainly of a procedural nature, regarding upkeep and submission of sub accounts and checks to be exercised on various transactions of the Department of Posts and provides the guidelines in carrying out day to day functions by the concerned officers/ officials. It contains rulings in respect of Sub-Accounts, Accounts in Post Offices, Duties of Postmen and Letterbox Attendants etc

4. The inputs of some field units were also sought in finalizing the Manual from the perspective of the working units in the field. Many of the recommendation/ suggestions have been incorporated to make it more comprehensive & robust.

5. The revised edition of Postal Manual Volume VI part III(provisional) has been brought out making every endeavour to get the rules updated in accordance with the technological updation. However, any error, omission come to noticed should be promptly reported to the PO Division.

6. These rules must be brought to the notice of all officers & officials of the Department of Posts.

7. This issues with the approval as well as concurrence of the competent authorities. 

encl- Postal Manual volume VI part III(provisional)

(Sukriti Gupta)
Assistant Director General (PO)


(One Chapter with 120 Rules)

(Updated Copy)


Postal Manual, Volume VI contains special regulations for the Post offices.

PART III-—Sub-Accounts, Accounts in Post Offices, Duties of Postmen and Letterbox Attendants



Rule NoRulePages
1Supervision of subordinate offices by postmaster1
2Examination of B. O. daily transaction report in sub-offices1-2
3Relations of sub and branch offices to their account offices2
4Short receipt of vouchers by account office2
5Inadmissible vouchers2-3
6Unnecessary remittances of cash to be avoided3
7Cash office3
8Check of remittances between the account office and its subordinate offices3-4
9Limits for remittances by various modes of conveyance4-5
10Regulation of funds for sub-offices5-6
11Provision of funds for sub-offices6-7
12Disposal of surplus funds at sub-offices7
13Supply of funds to sub-offices at treasury or sub-treasury or bank stations7
14Exchange of remittances between sub-offices in account with the same head office7
15Exchange of remittances between sub-offices under different head offices8
16Manner of exchanging remittances between sub-offices8-9
17Contents of account bag9
18S.O. slips9
19Remittance of cash9-10
20Supply of postage and other stamps10
21Remittances sent through the post10-11
22Remittances through special carriers11-12
23Supply of Indian postal orders12
24Adjustment of errors in account12
25S.B. Slips12-13
26Closing of account bags in the head office13-14
27Opening of account and cash bags in the sub-office14
28Preparation of S.O. daily transaction report14-15
29Preparation of daily accounts by a sub-office not in daily communication by post with its head office of account15
30Liabilities of sub-office15-16
31Details of remittances received and sent16
32Details of drawings from treasury/bank16
33Remarks in S.O. daily transaction reports17
34Requisition for postage and other (non-postal) stamps17
35Documents sent with S.O. daily transaction report17-18
36Contents of account bag18
37Remittances sent through the post18
38Closing of the account bag19
39Remittances through special carriers19-20
40Opening of account bags in the head office20-21
41Opening of cash bags in the head office21
42Check of account items in head office22
43Check in head office of remittances between sub-offices under the same head office22-24
44Sub-office e- money order journals and documents24
45Memo of Indian postal orders sold24
46List of S.B. Documents24-25
47Sub-office Post office certificate lists and documents25
48Parcel receipts submitted by sub offices25
49Adjustment of incorrect account items25-26
50Entries in the accounts of the head office of remittances received26
51Postage in transit from the head office to sub-offices, and cash and stamps in transit between the head office and its sub-office and between sub-offices in account with the head office26
52Maintenance of SO Daily Transactions Report26
53Examination of sub-office balances by head office26-27
54Action to be taken by head postmaster on irregularities in connection with sub-office balances28
55Receipt of S.P. M’s Monthly report28
56Contents of B.O. Bags29-30
57Mode of sending remittances to branch offices30-31
58B.O. slips31-32
59Closing of bags for branch offices32
60Contents of B.O. bags received32-33
61Opening of B.O. and cash bags33
62Check and disposal of cash remittances33-34
63Check of B.O. Daily transactions reports34
64Disposal of contents of B.O. bags34-35
65Disposal of V.P. articles receipts35
66Check of B.O. serial No.s35
67Adjustment of errors and irregularities35-36
68Stamps and cash in transit between the account office and its B. Os36
69Responsibility for accounts, cash etc.36-37
69(A)Roles and responsibilities of Postmaster in ATM (Automated Teller Machine) attached with their office37
70Verification of balances by sub-postmaster37-38
71Treasurer’s cash book38
72Custody of postage and other (non-postal) stamps, etc.38
73Disbursement of pay38
74Disposal of acquittance rolls38-39
75Payment of Travelling Allowances39
76Payment of contingent charges39
78Preparation of S.O. account39-40
79Checking balance of S.O. account40-41
80Preparation of S.P. Ms monthly report41
81Principles regulating the supply and disposal of funds41-42
82Authorised Balances42-43
83Treasury pass-book43
84Remittances to and drawings from, treasury or Bank43-44
85Purchase of postage stamps44-45
86Head Postmen45-46
87Knowledge of postal business46
88Supply of forms to be carried46
89Postman’s book46-48
90Addresses to be noted on articles48
91Damaged articles to be noticed48
92Receipts for articles issued for delivery48-49
93Book of receipts for intimations and notices delivered49
94Instructions for delivery50
95Realisation of postage before delivery50
96Receipts of addressees for registered articles delivered51
97Delivery to illiterate addressees52
99Delivery of insured articles addressed to minors52
100Payments of e-money orders52-55
101Payment of e-money orders by pay order55
102Money orders addressed to minors55
103Payment of e-money orders addressed to persons without hands or fingers55
104Payment of e-money orders and delivery of registered letters to lunatics56
105Responsibility for correct delivery of articles and payment of e- money orders56-57
106Loss of articles reported57
107Return of undelivered articles57-58
108Payment of postage and sums realised from addressees58
109Penalties for detaining articles58
110Penalties for neglect of duty58
111Details of Postman Mobile Application58-59
112Additional duties of postman59
113Duties of mail attendants59-60
114Attendance on railway platform60
115Employment of mail attendant as packers60
116Duties of letter-box attendants60
117Clearance of outside letter-boxes60-61
118Employment of letter-box attendants to carry mails61
119Duties of packers61
120Changing of date and other type and change of labels62


Friday, June 7, 2024

Relaxation of rules in regularization of SCSS Accounts opened by the Defence Personnel aged below 50 years of age during the period

 SCSS : Relaxation of rules in regularization of SCSS Accounts opened by the Defence Personnel aged below 50 years of age during the period

F.No. 10/2/2016-NS.II
Ministry of Finance 
Department of Economic Affairs 
(Budget Division)
North Block, New Delhi Dated: 04.04.2022

Subject: Relaxation of rules in regularization of SCSS Accounts opened by the Defence Personnel aged below 50 years of age during the period from 11.10.2017 to 22.11.2017 - reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the letter DOP ID No. FS-65/4/2021-FS-DOP dated 13.09.2021 and related references on the above subject. The matter has been examined in this Department and it has been decided that the relaxation of rule is agreed to in all such cases of SCSS accounts.

2.Further, this Department has serious concerns on the repeated instances of rule violation by the DoP in operations of the Small Savings Schemes. The DoP needs to develop the system to avoid such kind of recurrence.

3.This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

(Rajesh Panwar) Deputy Director (NS) Tel. 01123093170
Ministry of Communication
{Assistant Director (SB-I), Department of Posts}
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi

Condonation of period of irregular retention beyond 65years of GDS

 No. 18-05/2024-GDS

Government of India
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110 001
Dated: 05.06.2024


Subject: Condonation of period of irregular retention beyond 65 years of GDS - Delegation of powers.

Attention is drawn to this Directorate's letters no. Lr. no. 40-9/82-Pen., dated 26.06.1982, Lr. no. 18-36/97-ED & TRG dated 13.11.2001 and Lr. no. 18-41/2002- GDS dated 05.12.2003 whereby instruction for condonation of period of irregular retention beyond 65 years of service of GDS were issued.

2. As per the existing instructions, the cases of condonation of period of over- stayal/retention of GDS beyond 65 year has to be forwarded to this directorate. This causes delay in settlement of the terminal benefits available to the GDS. Therefore, in order to avoid delay in payments of terminal benefits to GDS on this account, in supersession of the previous instructions, it has been decided to delegate the power for condonation, subject to following terms and conditions:

i) In the cases where 100% recovery of the overpaid allowances has been made, i.e., the allowances paid to the GDSS for the period of their employment beyond 65 years of age has been made from the GDS overstayed/official at fault, the Head of Region/Head of Circle will be competent to condone the overstayal of the GDS beyond 65 years of age.

ii) In the cases where 100% recovery of the overpaid allowances cannot be made, i.e., allowances paid to the GDSS for the period of their employment beyond 65 years of age, cannot be made from the GDS overstayed/official at fault, the Head of Circle will be competent to condone the overstayal of the GDS beyond 65 years and unrecovered amount of overpaid allowances in consultation with CIFA.

iii) Necessary administrative/disciplinary action may be taken against the officer/official found responsible for over retention of a GDS beyond 65 years of age.

iv) Till the period is condoned, the payment of terminal benefits will not be made. Upon condonation, the overstayal period condoned will, however, not be reckoned for the purpose of calculation of terminal benefits.

3. Further, on any reference sent to this directorate for condonation on the above grounds in the past, which has not been decided yet, the circles may take decision as per provisions of this O.M.

4.This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
5. Hindi version will follow

Director (GDS)
All the Chief Postmasters General / Post Masters Generals

Copy forwarded to :-
1.Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)/Sr. PPS to Director General Postal Services 
2.PPS/PS to Additional DG (Coord.)/Member (Banking)/Member (O)/ Member (P)/ Member (Planning & HRD)/ Member (PLI)/ Member (Technology)
3.Chief General Manager BD Directorate/Parcel Directorate/PLI Directorate/ CEPT Bengaluru
4.Director RAKNPA Ghaziabad/ General Manager, CEPT Bengaluru Addl. Director General, APS Bhawan, New Delhi
5.Sr. DDG (Vigilance) & CVO/Sr. DDG (PAF)
6.Director General P&T (Audit), Civil Lines, New Delhi
7.Director General, NICF, Ghitorni, New Delhi
8.All the Deputy Director General
9.All General Manager (Finance)/ Director Postal Accounts/ DDAP Director Postal Training Centres.
10.All Sections of Postal Directorate.
11.All recognized Federations/Unions/Associations
12.GM (Operations), CEPT, Mysuru, for uploading the order on India Posts Website.
13.Guard File
14.Spare Copies.
15.Hindi Section, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi :- For translation of the OM.

Holding of Pension Adalat - Display of calendar of Pension Adalats on the website

 File No. 100-1/2019-Pen.

Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts
(Pension Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 24May, 2024

1.All Heads of Postal Circles
2.Chief General Manager, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate
3. All Regional Postmasters General
4. Director, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad
5. All Directors/Dy. Directors of Accounts (Postal)

Subject: Holding of Pension Adalat-display of calendar of Pension Adalat's on the website of Ministries/Department/Organizations/Pension Disbursing Banks-reg.


I am directed to forward herewith a copy of the O.M. No. O.M. No. 1/2/2022(JCM)-P&PW (E) dated 15.01.2024 of Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions on the subject mentioned above.

2.It is, therefore, requested to follow the said instructions in letter and spirit.

Yours faithfully,
(Amit Ranjan)
Assistant Director General (Pension)
Encls.: As above.
Copy along with enclosures to:-
1. PPS to Secretary (Posts)/DG(Posts)
2. PPS to Member (Banking & DBT) / Plg.& HRD/Tech./Pers./Ops./PLI/Addl. DG(Cord.)
3. AS & FA/ Sr. DDG(PAF)
4. Secretary (PSB)/All DDSG
5. All Regional Postmasters General/GM(G)/DA(P)/DDA(P)
6. All Postal Training Centres
7. Director, CEPT Mysore-for uploading on the official website of the Dept. Of Posts 8. Guard File


Enhancement of Allowances due to enhancement of dearness allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2024 - DOP Order

 Enhancement of Allowances due to enhancement of dearness allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2024- DOP Clarification


File No.: PP-08/2/2021-PAP-DOP 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts
[Establishment Division/P.A.P. Section]

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001. 
Dated: 05.06.2024
1. All Chief Postmasters General / Postmasters General
2. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate
3. Director, RAKNPA/GM, CEPT/ Directors of All PTCs
4. Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service, R.K.Puram, New Delhi
5. All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP

Sub: Enhancement of Allowances due to enhancement of dearness allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2024-regarding.

Department of Expenditure vide their ID No. 2/5/2017-E.II (B) dated 20.03.2024 addressed to the Controller General of Accounts, New Delhi with copy to this Department and others, has reiterated their position that no separate order with regard to increase of allowances consequent upon increase in DA rates to 50% is required.

The undersigned is, therefore, directed to draw the attention of all concerned to the following orders issued by Department of Expenditure/DoPT in the past and request that consequent upon increase of Dearness Allowance by 4% (now 50% w.e.f. 01.01.2024,), the payments of the following allowances may be made at enhanced rates of 25% over the existing rates w.e.f. 01.01.2024:

AllowanceRates as per DoE/DoPT Order
Tough Location AllowanceDoE OM no. 3/1/2017-E.II (B) dated 19.07.2017
Conveyance AllowanceDoE OM no. 19039/03/2017-E.Il dated 19.07.2017
Special Allowance for child of women with disabilitiesDoE OM No. A-27012/03/2017-Estt.(AL) dated 16.08.2017
Children Education AllowanceDoPT OM No. A-27012/02/2017-Estt.(AL) dated 17.07.2018
House Rent AllowanceDoPT OM No. 2/5/2017-E.II(B) dated 07.07.2017
Hotel AccommodationDoE OM No. 19030/1/2017.E.IV dated 13.07.2017
Reimbursement of Traveling
charges for travel within the city (touring station)
 DoE OM No. 19030/1/2017.E.IV dated 13.07.2017
Reimbursement of Food Charges/Lump sum amount or Daily AllowanceDoE OM No. 19030/1/2017.E.IV dated 13.07.2017
For journey performed by own Car/taxi, Auto rickshaw own Scooter etc. at the place where no specific rate have been prescribed by Director of Transport of concerned State or the neighboring StateDoE OM No. 19030/1/2017.E.IV dated 13.07.2017
Rate of transportation of Personal effects by road on transfer etcDoE OM No. 19030/1/2017.E.IV dated 13.07.2017
Dress AllowanceDoE OM No. 19051/1/2017-E.IV dated 02.08.2017
Split Duty AllowanceDoE OM no. 27/1/2017-E.II(B) dated 14.07.2017
Deputation (Duty) allowanceDoPT OM No. 2/11/2017-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 24.11.2017

Guidelines to regulate transfer under Rule-38 of Group 'C' officials, Group 'B' (Non-gazetted) employees in Department of Posts - reg


Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts

All Chief Postmasters General.
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, dated 06-06-2024

Subject: - Guidelines to regulate transfer under Rule-38 of Group 'C' officials, Group 'B' (Non-gazetted) employees in Department of Posts - reg.


I am directed to refer to letter of even no. dated 03.02.2023 on the above-mentioned subject and to bring attention to following provisions / paras of this communication: -

Para A (xii): An official will be eligible for two Inter-Circle and two Intra-Circle transfer during entire service. However, a gap of 3 years shall be mandatory for availing same category of transfer for the second time, but no such gap will be required in case of applying for different category transfer.

Para A(xv): Employee can withdraw the request on online portal at any time and they have also been provided with opportunity to decline provisionally approved transfer on online portal within 72 hours of such allotment. However, after expiry of 72 hours timeline and issue of final transfer order, if an employee wish to cancel his approved transfer, he may do so and in such case, employee will deemed to have availed one chance of transfer.

2. In this regard, various references have been received from Postal Circles seeking clarification w.r.t officials who have declined approved transfer after expiry of 72 hours.

3. The matter has been examined and Competent Authority has decided that if an employee declines his approved transfer after expiry of 72 hours timeline and issue of final transfer order, only one chance of Rule-38 transfer shall be deducted and employee can apply for the same category of transfer without any time bar.

4. Accordingly, a gap of 3 years shall not be required for availing same category of transfer if an employee declines his approved transfer after expiry of 72 hours timeline and issue of final transfer order. However, one chance of Rule-38 transfer shall be deducted.

Yours faithfully,

(Vangara Prasad)
Assistant Director General (SPN)

Copy to:
a) Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts) / Director General Postal Services.

b) PPS/PS to Addl. DG (Coordination) / Members Postal Service Board

c) Sr. DDG (Vig) & CVO / CGM (Parcel) / CGM (BD) / CGM (PLI)

d) Director (RAKNPA) and Director all Postal Training Centres

e) General Manager, CEPT, Bengaluru with request to make necessary changes in Rule- 38 Online transfer portal.

f) Portal upload, CEPT with a request to upload this document on India Post website


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Permission to pursue further study to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)- regarding.


No. 17-29/2016-GDS 
Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts (GDS Section)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi 110 001 
Dated: 03.06.2024

All the Chief Postmaster General

Subject: Permission to pursue further study to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)- regarding. 

This office, time and again, receives several representations and RTI requests regarding rulings/instructions on permission required for further studies to the GDS. However, due to absence of instructions on the subject, Circles are following different practices in allowing GDS to pursue further study after their engagement.

2. The matter has, therefore, been examined with regard to requirement of permission of competent authority for higher studies to the GDS. It has been decided that there should not be any objection if a GDS desires to pursue further studies beyond duty/office hours provided the work of the office should not be hampered. In view of this no permission is required to be obtained for pursuing studies beyond duty/office hours.

3.In case the of pursuing further studies, GDSS may be allowed, leave as per extant rules and as per their entitlements to take examination for such courses. However, grant of leave in such situations would not be considered as a matter of right in official exigencies, whereby he/she may be denied leave/weekly off even for taking examination in the public interest.

4. This is issued with the approval of the competent authority.

Yours faithfully,
Signed by Ravi Pahwa
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC/PAP)
Tel. No. 01123096629

Copy to:
All General Secretaries of GDS Unions