Monday, July 29, 2024

Sponsoring of public funds by Government servants

Department Ministry of Home Affairs
Division Establishment
Order No. No. 25/4/48-Ests
Order dated  28/02/1948
Subject Sponsoring of public funds by Government servants.

No: 25/4/48-Ests.
New Delhi, 3, th: 28th February 1948.
SUBJECT: Sponsoring of public funds by Governmentservants,

The Government Servants Conduct Rules applicable to the late Secretary of State's Servicos, require that no Government servant should, without obtaining the previous permission of the Government, ask for, or accept or in any way participate in the raising of, any subscription or other pecuniary assistance in pursuance of any object whatever, A copy of the relevant Rule is given below for ready reference:-

2."Except with the previous sanction of the Government, if he is a Commissioner of a Division or a Head of a Department, or of the Commissionur or the Head of his Department in other cases, no Government servant shall ask for, or accept, or in any way participate in the raising of, any subscription or other pecuniary assistance in pursuance of any object whatsoever."

The position under the Conduct Rules applicable to other Government servants is slightly different but it has been decided that the same rule should apply to all Central Government servants, so far as public funds are concerned.

3.This position may pleasc he explained to all the employees of the Kinistry of Finance and their attached and subordinate etc offices and it may be impressed upon them that they should not sponsor th raising of funds from the public for any purpose whatsoever, without previous permission. It may be added that the mere payment of a subscription to some charitable or benevolent fund would not, by itself, amount to participation in the rafsing of such fund; and is permissible except in circumstances speciffed

2:in Rule 23 of the Goverment Servants Conduct miles.

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.
All Ministries of the Government of India,
The Jirector Intelligence îureau,
he Principal, Indian Administrative Service Training School... The Inspector General, Special Police Establishment.
The Secretary, Federal Public Service Commission.
The Cabinot Secretariat,
The Partition Socr Lariat,
The Prime Minister's Secretariat; and
The Development Board,

No: 25/4/48-Ists.
New Jolhi,3, the 28th February 1948
Copy forwarded for formation and necessary action to
11 the Chief Commissioners.
Copy also forwarded for i forstion to all the Provincial Governments, the Federal Court, the Constituent Assembly Secretariat
and the Private Secretary to the Governor General.
By Order
-Assistant Secretary to the Gover mont
of India.


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